Louis Baseler uit Huijbergen

Huijbergen en omgeving. Wat maak ik er allemaal mee. Ik beschrijf hier mijn hobby, toerfietsen. Wat gebeurt er hier in Huijbergen en omgeving. Verder een beetje mijn kijk op de wereld vanuit Huijbergen. Huijbergen, mijn dorp op de Belgisch-Nederlandse grens: "The most interesting things in life exist at the boundary, both in the physical sense and metaphorically". Barry Lee.

maandag, juni 26, 2006

Pitfalls of the mudflows

The pitfalls of the mudflows
AsiaViews, Edition: 23/III/jun/2006

The lake of hot mud in Sidoarjo is getting larger. Losses are estimated to amount to billions of rupiah.

DWI Cahyani hasn’t stopped wondering what fate has in store for him. All of a sudden, his business that had sales of around US$250,000 (Rp2.45 billion) per month has vanished in a flash. The reason was something that he had never even considered. On Monday three weeks ago, hot mud flowed through his factory as high as his knees.

There is nothing remaining of his company located in Jatirejo, Porong subdistrict, Sidoarjo, East Java. The machinery at his factory can now no longer be used. Raw materials for rattan worth Rp1 billion have vanished. The rattan furniture factory that he owns, PT Victory Rottanindo, has been forced to send home its 250 employees. Bankruptcy is already staring Dwi in the face.

Lees hier het hele verhaal. Het is een ramp die de Nederlandse kranten niet haalt.

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