Wie was ze ook al weer?

De plaat Paradise by the Dashboard Light was een mega succes (1977). Ook in de Zuidwesthoek. In elke Disco, Parochiezaaltjes en zaalfeesten werd de plaat meerdere malen gedraaid. Ook ik ging er helemaal van uit mijn dak. Je zag de clip op de TV. Mooi. Maar wie was nu ook al weer dat meisje? Kijk dan is Internet een oplossing. Je kunt wat uitzoeken en het filmpje oneindig bekijken op You Tube. Paradise by the Dashboard Light.

Karla DeVito was niet de orginele zangeres van de plaat. Dat was Ellen Folly (We belong to the Night, 1979).
Voor optredens werd Karla DeVito gevraagd. Ze deed het op het podium een stuk beter dan Ellen Folly. Ook had Ellen Folly het te druk met haar eigen carriere. In Nederland wordt het promotiefilmpje, de clip dus, gedraaid bij Veronica. In een programma tegenover een zender met voetbal. In de rust. Er kijken dan zeer veel mensen naar en het nummer komt gelijk hoog binnen in de top 40.
Mini Biography Karla DeVito.
Karla DeVito grew up in Mokena, Illinois, about 35 miles southwest of Chicago, which at the time was a small farming town. From her earliest years, she showed an artistic bent and a love of music and performing. After graduating from high school, she enrolled at Loyola University in Chicago with a major in theater. It didn't take long for her to get noticed. She soon joined a comedy troupe called Second City Company, and her co-stars included Bill Murray. In 1973, she was in the case of the popular play "Hair," and achieved notice among the theatrical community in other productions. She branched out and became a backup singer for such groups as The E Street Band, fronted by Bruce Springsteen, Meat Loaf, and The Blue Oyster Cult. She became a singer in her own right, and opened for prominent artists as Hall & Oats and Rick Springfield. In 1981, she got the female lead in the play "The Pirates of Penzance", replacing Linda Ronstadt. A short time later, actor Robby Benson was cast to play her love interest, and they immediately hit it off. They were initially friends and colleagues with shared interests, but after the play closed, they became a couple in real life and married in 1982. She began to score roles in motion pictures, and some of her songs were featured in soundtracks for motion pictures, including The Breakfast Club (1985) Cool World (1992). In 1990, she and her husband co-starred in the film Modern Love (1990). Though her career has slowed down since she became a mother, she continues to be active in the entertainment business.

Ook bij een PV feest bij Cargill werd dit nummer wel eens nagespeeld. Leuk.
Helaas gaat dit jaar het PV feest bij Cargill niet door. We gaan dan maar naar het smartlappen event en erna naar de discotheek "de Rainbow". Ook leuk.

In early 2004 Open Heart made it to the stage at the Cherry Lane Theatre where it received a lot of positive reviews.
Not the least Karlas singing left the critics deeply impressed !(I´m not surprised!)
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